TNI’s Mission: Driving Security and Accelerating Welfare Development in Papua

    TNI’s Mission: Driving Security and Accelerating Welfare Development in Papua

    PAPUA - The Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI) play a pivotal role in supporting the acceleration of welfare development in Papua, as mandated by Presidential Instruction Number 9 of 2020. This instruction emphasizes three primary TNI tasks: ensuring security, supporting local governments in providing essential services, and fostering inclusive social communication with all stakeholders.

    Operating under this directive, the TNI has deployed Military Task Forces to Papua with the mission of establishing a stable and conducive security environment, a prerequisite for the successful implementation of development initiatives. Stability is critical in a region often challenged by security threats posed by the Free Papua Movement (OPM), whose disruptive actions hinder development and threaten civilian safety.

    The OPM’s violent acts, including intimidation, sexual violence, and murder, target both unarmed civilians and security personnel. Among the most heinous incidents was the murder of Glen Malcolm Conning, a New Zealand citizen and helicopter pilot for PT Intan Angkasa Air Service, on August 5, 2024. Following this tragedy, the TNI swiftly secured the area, evacuated victims, and provided humanitarian assistance, underscoring its commitment to safety and peace. "The evacuation of Pilot Glen, health workers, teachers, and even infants was purely a humanitarian action by the TNI, without any prior request from the victim's family or the New Zealand Government, " stated Colonel Yogi Nugroho, Commander of the HABEMA Media Task Forces, in a press release.

    Similarly, the TNI's humanitarian mission was demonstrated during the successful release of Captain Pilot Phillip Mark Mehrtens, a Susi Air pilot held hostage by the OPM, on September 21, 2024. This milestone exemplifies the TNI’s dedication to peace and security in Papua, achieved through collaboration with stakeholders.

    Colonel Yogi reiterated the TNI’s unwavering commitment to ensuring Papua’s safety and fostering a conducive environment for development. "The TNI and Polri security forces are steadfast in their mission to protect Papua from OPM disturbances. This effort reflects our support for the Indonesian Government’s program to accelerate welfare development in Papua, " he said.

    The TNI’s role extends beyond security, positioning itself as a partner in Papua's transformation toward peace, progress, and prosperity. Through its integrated approach, the TNI strives to empower local communities while ensuring that Papua remains safe, stable, and secure.

    Authenticated by:
    Dansatgas Media HABEMA, Colonel Arh Yogi Nugroho

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    Jurnalis Agung

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